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Hash #Two-hundred-sumpthinty-sumpthin


Well here ya go kidz.  The low down on the ho-down at the Beaverton Boyz 1st Anniv. Hash (meaning it was one year ago in March they joined the BCHHH, HHMMM and they kept cumming back?)

It was the WHERE?  In Beaverton! UH HU HU! 


To start out, as to be expected an outstanding hash was put on once again by our boyz.  This waz not a hash to miss and if you did tisk, tisk, tisk, shame on you!


Here are the highlights…

The Starting point was Chilly Willy’s property. (The boy has a lot of property!   he he he so that’s what they’re calling it now, eh?)  We start off crossing a field and here is where the GM believe it or not waz off, how did I hear it? “Like a bat outta hell” What ever that means.  Anyway our GM became a spot on the other side of the field real quick, he must have been taking running lessons from the deer he hunts.  We were told he was on a quest to catch the hares,  BOOWWWAAHHAHAAHAA!!!  


So we go through woods, and swamp then come to the first beer check right on the bank of a real beautiful stream.  HHHMMM no GM???  We drink, we chat, we watch 7-11’s wife strip (B-cuz she got HOT), then we are ON-ON across the stream via a BEAVER DAMN (OOPPSSS did I spell that wrong?) and low and behold do you think we all got across safely? NOPE! Poor PMS went through the BEAVER DAMB, and got stuck and sopping wet. DAMN BEAVERS!


We continue running through the woods and lose trail for a bit, but realize it’s on the other side of a barbed-wire-fence. This is where Dirty Sanchez decides to get over the fence by doing a flip face first and kiss the ground.  That was a good decision in two respects. One: because it did get him over the fence and Two: because I’m sure he did it just to let us all know how not to get over a barbed wire fence, thank you Dirty Sanchez.  Anyway, like a trooper he got up and kept on running.  Still no GM in sight.


So we continue running through woods, then hit road, we ran for quite a while on the road and hit a Turtle check ALL, and who do ya think we saw there, yup our GM. He would have caught the hares had they not left the turtle check.  DARN!


When our last hare arrives we are off and up a hill and there we see a cooler with jello shots, then we continue on up the road to the end, where we were able to get a “Hay Ride” back to Chilly’s house. 


That was an awesome touch to the end of a run!  There was scrumpin, and munchin, and more jello shots, and singing and more beer!  Oh the ambiance! Brings a tear to your eye I tell ya, by the way, what kind of women are you dating 2 Hos?  


We do traditions:

We had two namings: Lu BLT’s wife, shall be known as…Pull My String – PMS

And “Uncle Tim” Peterson shall be known as…No Action Jackson

We had a virgin: Gene “Hi-Gene!” (get it?) Peep Shows Husband

Hares: Chilly Willy, Scrotum Rodeo, BLT, and V2

FRB: Whordita.cum & Itchy Ditch Bitch


Hash Shit: The virgin Gene for picking on his wife for wearing bags over her shoes to not get wet, but he wore bags on the inside of his shoes to not get his feet wet. 

Time Runners: 2 Hos, 120 & Vagina, 100


Great time had by all. Most of the kidz headed to Yackies for more mayhem and fun!  I hear there are pictures of the wee hours of the morning.  Can’t wait to see them.


Next week Saturday April 3rd is our Last Saturday Hash

Thursday April 8th is our first Thursday hash Hares IMA and W.T.


Take Care

