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Contribute or Contact Us

If you have any graffiti fliks, graffiti sketches, breaking pics, car pics, or any other type of pictures you would like posted on the site then send them to the Beyond Extreme Team and they will be added within a couple of days. Also, if you have any other questions or comments then go ahead and email us...

Where you can send your work and contact us...
Note: The quickest way for you to contact us so that we will get back at you within a day or two is through e-mail.

01) Through e-mail:

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you have saved the fliks/pics are in the .JPG format and make sure that the width and height of the flik are not too large (a good size is WIDTH=500 pixels and HEIGHT=300 pixels). In addition, send in any ideas that you may have for Beyond Extreme, any changes that need to be made (for example, if a flik doesnt work right,etc...), and any improvements that you think should be made. Check again and make sure that the picture (flik) is saved in the .JPG or .JPEG format...

01) Open the pic
02) Go to FILE
03) Click SAVE AS
04) Then where it says FILE NAME make sure its something like "yourtag.jpg"
05) Then make sure the SAVE AS TYPE says .JPG or .JPEG
06) Finally click SAVE

Copyright © 1999-Forever | Keams Design | Beyond Extreme Network | Miami, FL
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