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Links to Related Web Sites

Here are some links to sites about Billy the Kid and other famous outlaws/lawmen. If there are any sites that you would like me to add, please e-mail me.

Billy the Kid Web sites

Billy the Kid Outlaw Gang
Andy Hill's Billy the Kid Site
Billy the Kid Photo Comparisons
The Real Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid and Me
Scribe's Tribute to Billy the Kid
Lucas Speer's Billy the Kid Website
Young Guns 1 & 2 versus Real Life
David Heline Jr.'s Billy the Kid Site
About Billy the Kid
Heith's Billy the Kid Website
Billy the Kid's Kid
''Billy the Kid: His Real Name Was...'' Order Page
Sheriff Pat Garrett's Gun
Brushy Bill -- Billy the Kid Message Board

Web sites for Outlaws/Lawmen Other Than Billy the Kid

The James-Younger Gang homepage
The Clanton Gang
Dave Rudabaugh and Friends
Doc Holliday Historical Info
Cowtown West
The Old West History Net
Western Outlaw-Lawman History Association
Tombstone, Arizona in 1882
The Dalton Gang
Legends of the American West
Wild Bunch History
B.J.'s Tombstone History Discussion Forum
Bad Hombres
The Wild West: History, Information, and Merchandise

My Other Web site

History of the James-Younger Gang