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Stinking Springs

This section of my page contains photos of how Stinking Springs, the location where Billy the Kid, Dirty Dave Rudabaugh, Billy Wilson, and Tom Pickett were captured and Charlie Bowdre killed by a posse led by Sheriff-elect Pat Garrett on Dec. 23, 1880, looks today. The stone hut where Billy and his fellow Rustlers were inside of no longer stands. However, the stone foundation of the small building still remains.

Stone foundation at Stinking Springs

This photo is of the rock foundation at the Springs. It is all that remains of the hut.

Another photo of the stone foundation at Stinking Springs

Stinking Springs

This photo was taken from where the door of the old hut once was. This would have been Charlie Bowdre's last view as he exited the hut to feed the horses and was in turn gunned down by Garrett and his posse.