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Fort Sumner, Page 1

This section of my page contains photos of Fort Sumner, or, to be more accurate, the site of Fort Sumner. Throughout the late 1800s, Sumner began to decay and by the early 1900s, a heavy flood from the nearby Pecos River washed away nearly all that remained of the old fort by that time. The only original piece of the fort that still exists is the cemtery, which was more removed from the rest of the site and further away from the Pecos. Today, a state monument/museum exists on the original site, while a nearby town now bears the name Fort Sumner.

Fort Sumner State Monument Entrance

This view, looking south-west, shows the entrance of the monument's entrance.

The State Monument/Museum

This view, looking north-east, shows the museum. The low wall in front of the museum marks the site of where the enlisted men's barracks once stood.

This photo was taken from the banks of the Pecos River, and shows the massive erosion that has occured over the years. About half of the Maxwell house would have stood on one side of the ridge, while the other half would have stood on land that has since eroded away. In the early 1880s, all this land was level. The museum can still be seen over the ridge, near the center of the photo.