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Fun at the 2005 National


Packed and ready to head off for the 2005 National in St. Louis, MO.  It 's an eight hour drive and there are four of us and eight dogs.  We can't all fit in one van so we have to take two vans, a full size and mini. 

Pictured left to right are: Terri Korthals, of Terra Shelties, Priscilla Gardner, Breakaway Shelties, Julie Spayce, Hajlt Shelties, and Pat Gustafson of Agape Shelties, Pat is holding her grandson, Mitchell, her husband Gary took the picture.

Off we go.








We made it!!  Here we are setting up with our other friends from Michigan. Beth Krause and her mother Cynthia Webster of Will O Wisp Shelties.

Pat and Julie are adding the finishing touches.  Beth made the signs and holder. Thanks Beth.

Joining us, below right, are Pam Moore of Phoenix Shelties and Kathy Belville of Romyldale Shelties.





Relaxing at the grooming area is Pat.                                 Julie (yellow shirt) takes time out to walk around during visiting hours

Pat is pictured showing Graham, Woodland Farm's Touch of Blue, for me. He was pulled, but did not place. I had to return to work so missed seeing them. Above, thanks to Lisa Graser for showing Ella, Blue Heaven Simply Stunning, she placed 2nd in the 9-12 mth puppy bitch class.  Many thanks to Pam Moore for taking the pictures.

We all had fun, except when Cynthia fell and broke her wrist on the cement bridge from the hotel to the show site.  There was blood everywhere and all of us spent the night taking care of Meghan (Beth's 6 month old daughter). Needless to say none of us went to the symposium the next day.

                                                                                Candid shots from the National

                                               GO TO A NATIONAL AND EXPERIENCE THE FUN AND EXCITEMENT


                                                                      HOST OF THE 2005 ASSA NATIONAL