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Conventionals, Vistas, and Minotours...
Ford Chassis...
1980's Thomas Ford Conventional-NEW 1984 Thomas Ford Minotour 1984 Thomas Ford Minotour 1985 Thomas Ford Conventional Band Bus 1985 Thomas Ford Conventional-NEW 1987 Thomas Ford Conventional 1988 Thomas Ford Conventionals Late 1980's Thomas Ford Conventional 1990's Thomas Ford Conventionals-NEW 1993 Thomas Ford Conventional 1993 Thomas Ford Conventional 1993 Thomas Ford Conventional 1995 Thomas Ford Conventional 1995 Thomas Ford Conventional 1995 Thomas Ford Conventional 1995 and 1996 Thomas Ford Conventionals 1995 and 1996 Thomas Ford Conventionals 1996 Thomas Ford Conventional Late 1990's Thomas Ford Minotour1999 and 2001 Thomas Ford Minotours 2001 Thomas Ford Minotour
GMC Chassis...
1987 and 1989 Thomas GMC Conventionals
Frieghtliner Chassis...
1990's or 2000's Thomas Freightliner Conventional-NEW 1990's or 2000's Thomas Freightliner Conventional-NEW 2000 Thomas Freightliner Conventional 2000 Thomas Freightliner Conventionals 2001 Thomas Freightliner Conventional 2001 Thomas Freightliner Conventional 2002 Thomas Freightliner Conventional
International and Vista Chassis...
1980's Thomas International Conventional-NEW 1980's Thomas International Conventional 1980's Thomas International Conventional Church Bus 1990's Thomas International Conventional 1990's Thomas Vista 1990's Thomas International Conventional 1990's Thomas International Conventionals-NEW 1990's Thomas International Conventionals-NEW 1993 Thomas International Conventional 1994 Thomas International Conventional 1995 Thomas Vista 1995 Thomas Vista 1995 Thomas Vista 1995 Thomas Vista 1996 Thomas International Conventional 1996 Thomas Vista 1996 Thomas Vista 1997 Thomas Vista 1997 Thomas Vista 1997 Thomas International Conventional 1998 Thomas International Conventionals 1999 Thomas International Conventional 1999 Thomas International Conventional-NEW 1999 Thomas International Conventional-NEW 2001 Thomas International Conventional-NEW 2002 Thomas International Conventional-NEW
Trolley Buses...
Thomas "Trolley Bus"
Transit type...
Saf-T-Liner MVP EFs (Engine Front)...
1995, 98, and 2000 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP EFs 1996 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP EF 1996 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP EF-NEW 1996 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP EF-NEW 1997 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP EFs 1999 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP EF 2000 Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP EF
Saf-T-Liner ER (Engine Rear) and MVP ER...
1982 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 1990 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 1990 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 1990 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 1990 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 1990's Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 1990's Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER-NEW 1990's Thomas Saf-T-Liner MVP ER-NEW 1988 Thomas Tandem Axle Saf-T-Liner ER 1998 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER-NEW 2000 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 2000 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 2000 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 2000 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER 2001 Thomas Saf-T-Liner ER