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The Funky Chicken

(Leader) Let me see you funky chicken!
(Leader) Let me see you funky chicken!
(All) WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY? I said....


Ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo,
One more time, now!
Ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo, ah-ah-ah ooo,
Left, Left, Left, Right Left.

Other Verses:

Funky Chicken: dance around in a circle with arms crooked up as chicken wings
Mae West: flare an invisible skirt
Dracula: one arm up in front of face as if a cape was draped over it, peek out from behind arm, then repeat with other arm
Dead Bug: lay on the floor shaking legs in the air
Darth Vader: "Luke you are my son, you are my son, you are my son, you are my son" while fighting with imaginary light sabers
Pee-Wee Herman:Bring hands together in front then behind
John Travolta: Disco

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