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Chapter 5

Stranger, enter from the east, stranger, step inside this place... -Jewel

“Good job tonight guys, I’ll see you all Saturday morning,” Mira’s dance teacher Steven told the class as he dismissed them.

The class clapped and began to gather their belongings.

“Nice work, Mir,” Zac told her as she took a big gulp from her waterbottle.

“Yeah, that was cool. It looked hard,” Taylor said.

Mira smiled. “Thanks. I’m exhausted.”

“Good job," Isaac said. "Tell me, who’s that blonde girl over there?”

“Ike, please,” Taylor began.

“Oh, that’s Marissa. But forget about it buddy, she’s 14,” Mira informed Isaac.

“What? I was just looking,” Isaac told them innocently.

Mira put on her black fleece Adidas pants and her black fleece pullover and got her keys out of her dance bag. “You guys ready?” she asked.

“Yeah, let’s get to the hotel, guys.” Taylor said.

They walked out into the January night and got into Mira’s car. They got to the hotel and Mira pulled around to the side of it. “You can come in if you want,” Taylor told Mira before he got out.

“Okay,” Mira said after she thought about it, “but I have school tomorrow so just for a little while.”

Mira got out of the car and followed the Hansons up to their penthouse. “This one’s my room in the middle, and this living room connects us all,”Taylor told Mira as they walked into the posh living quarters.

“Oh my,” she said, impressed. “Not too shabby.”

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to bed,” Isaac said. “I had a good time today, Mira. See you tomorrow.”

“Good night,” everyone said.

“Yeah, I’m off to bed too,” Zac said. “See you guys later. Mira, when am I gonna get that table dance?”

“Tonight in your dreams, Zac. Get outta here,” Taylor told him.

“'Night Zac,” Mira said, giggling a little.

“Night babe,” Zac replied before disappearing into his bedroom.

“Well,” Taylor started and turned to Mira, “Sorry about him. He’s a dork.”

“It’s okay, he’s cute,” Mira said.

“I don’t want this to sound like a line or anything but, do you want to go in my room?” Taylor asked hesitantly.

Mira smiled at his embarrassment. “Sure.”


“Wow, big room. Rough life huh?” Mira said.

“It’s not bad,” Taylor said, “But I’d rather be in my own bed ya know?"

“Yeah, but I could deal with this life for a while,” Mira said as she laid on the bed on her stomach and smiled at Taylor.

There was a slight pause before Mira broke the silence.

“So what’s the worst part about being famous?” she asked.
"I don’t know," Taylor said. "I guess the privacy issue, but that just comes along with the territory. People are always trying to take pictures of my family and stuff and that gets on my nerves.”

Taylor sat down next to Mira on the bed. “Yeah, I’d be pissed too," she said. "I couldn’t handle all the girls screaming.They’re outta control!”

“You get used to it,” Taylor smiled. “Sometimes I want to just look at them and say, ‘Do you even know why you’re screaming?’ But I guess it’s a girl thing. They’re not screaming at me, they’re screaming at this image portrayed on TV because you’re supposed to freak out at famous people.”

“Exactly,” Mira agreed, “I’ve never understood the whole screaming and hyperventalating thing.”

“I’m sure you’ve run into your share of famous people.”

“Yeah, I meet them mostly at premieres and stuff and they’re usually too snobby to really talk to me, Mira said. "Like Sarah Michelle Gellar. She's kind of a bitch. She’s so cool that she has to use all three of her names.”

Taylor laughed.

“But Robin Williams was cool," Mira continued. "He’s probably the coolest famous person I’ve met so far."

“Hey now,” Taylor said, insulted.

“Well, besides the Zac Hanson,of course,” Mira grinned.

“Oh, I see how it is,” Taylor said, playfully shoving her. Mira laughed.

“You guys are pretty down to earth. I’m impressed.”

“Yeah well we’ve got each other to remind ourselves how dorky we are,” Taylor said.

“I think Zac needs some extra reminding,” Mira pointed out. “Seriously.”

Mira sighed. “Well, I hate to cut this short but it’s already 10:00 and I still have homework and school tomorrow.”
“Hmm.. fun!” Taylor said sarcastically. “Lemme walk you out.”


“Well, I’ll call you guys tomorrow when I get home from school,” Mira told Taylor.

“Sounds good to me,” Taylor said as they stood outside Mira’s car.

“I had fun with you today, Taylor,” Mira said. “We’re gonna have a good time this month.”

“Definitely,” Taylor assured her, his blue eyes dancing.

“Well, good night.” Mira held her arms out for a hug.

“Good night,” Taylor wrapped his arms around Mira’s shoulders. “Drive carefully,” he said before releasing her.

Chapter 5
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