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F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) In40
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 120 Karma: 60
Resources: Am Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical
Water Freedom: Doesn't suffer penalties from any underwater battles
Enhanced Senses: Ex Sight
Hyper Swimming: Gd waterspeed
Resistance to Cold: Ex
Night Vision: Doesn't suffer any penalties against darkness
Animal Communication (Marine Life only): Un to talk to sea life

Cybernetic Harpoon: In material, replaces his left hand. Allows him to have to following power stunts:
-Rm Edge
-Cable: In material, able to fire up to 3 areas away, can entrap with In ability

Dehydration: Aquaman needs to immerse himself in water for at least an hour every 24 hrs to keep his powers and stats at peak levels. For every 2 hours past that point, reduce all his physical stats and powers 1 rank. This affects his Health too. One (1) hour's immersion in water will immediatley restore all lost ranks and health.

Talents: Royalty, Ocean Life, Oceanography, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Pilot, Leadership, Bi-Lingual (English, Atlantean), Diplomacy, Resist Domination, Marine Biology

Contacts: Atlantis, Mera, Justice League, Dr. Fate


Aquaman is the hereditary King of the underwater city-state of Atlantis. Because of his ability to communicate telepathically with all sea life - sea birds, fish, mammals, etc. - he is sometimes thought of as the "King of all the oceans".

A stern and austere leader, Aquaman is protective of his underwater environment. As leader of a technologically advanced society, Aquaman has kept a wary eye on the "surface dwellers" for years, resentful of their wanton disregard for the ecology of his beloved oceans.

A potentially dangerous enemy for the Justice League, Aquaman also holds the promise of being a great and helpful ally. Only time will tell which of the two paths their relationship will take.