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The Atom

The Atom

Professor Ray Palmer

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Rm30
I) Gd10
P) Gd10

Health: 60 Karma: 50
Resources: Ex Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Shrinking: Sh-X, Down to the size of any atom. While small, He is +3 CS to fight larger opponents and is -3 CS to be hit by them.
Density Manipulation: Ex
-Can increase the damage of his punches 3 ranks to Rm damage.
Teleporation: Rm, through phone lines.

Costume: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy

Talents: Acrobatics, Detective/Espionage, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics

Contacts: Justice League


When Amazo returned to earth in a hunt for Amazo, Luthor was aided by Ray Palmer, aka The Atom in finishing his laser cannon that would hopefully disable Amazo. Though they were unsuccessful, The Atom proved not only his extensive knowledge, but also a general caring for Lex Luthor's life.

The Atom later returned to aid the Justice League in destroying a "Dark Heart", a self-replicating machine that the League couldn't stop. The Atom infiltrated the main "heart" and essentially gave it a heart attack, blocking one of the tubes pumping liquid into it.