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Big Barda

Big Barda

Barda Free

F) Am50
A) In40
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) In40

Health: 190 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Hyper-Running: In ability

Battle Armor: Am, the armor is another product of advanced Apokolipsian technology. When it is not being worn, the armor automatically phases into another dimension. She can summon the armor to appear and cause it to instantaneously form about her person.
Mega-Rod: Mn material, Mn Blunt Attack
-Energy Blast: Mn Energy, 7 areas
-Flight: Rm airspeed
-Gravity Manipulation (Increase): In ability
-Warp: CL5000, The Mega-Rod draws the energies it needs to operate directly from its user's will. The Rod's energy blast power is directly linked to twice the user's Psyche. The Rod's powers are limited to UN rank. When the rod is fully charged with X-Element, it is capable of opening Boom Tubes at CL. 5000 rank and Dimension Travel to or from Apokolips.

Talents: Engineering, Military, Weapons Specialist: (Mega-Rod), Apokolips Weaponry, Vehicles.

Contacts: Apokolips Underground, Mister Miracle


Big Barda was born and raised on Apokolips in Granny Goodness's orphanage. She trained with the Female Furies, and was a member of the elite Special Powers Force, made up of herself, Bernadeth (the sister of DeSaad), Lashina, Mad Harriet, and Stompa. Though she was, at first, loyal to Granny, she questioned the ways of Apokolips, and covered for one of her fellow furies who had come under the sway of Himon's teachings. It was during a mission to retrieve that individual from Himon's quarters before an imminent raid that she first encountered Scott Free (Mr.Miracle), and though she was taken with him almost immediately, she could not bring it upon herself to escape for Earth at the time he did through Metron's Boom Tube.

Later, however, Barda did flee Apokolips and come to live with Scott on Earth, and assist him in his escape act. After several attacks upon the two of them by Darkseid's minions, Barda accompanied Scott back to Apokolips, where Scott earned his freedom through trial by combat, and Barda convinced her old unit to return to Earth with her for a time. Returning to Earth, Scott and Barda had several adventures, and gradually fell in love. After a time, they were married, and left Earth to live on New Genesis so that Scott could explore his lost heritage.