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F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Un100
E) Sh-X150
R) In40
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 310 Karma: 120
Resources: Rm Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Body Armor: In vs. Physical and Energy, Rm vs. Edge and Shooting
Self-Sustenance: Doesn’t need to eat, sleep or breathe
Invulnerable to Disease, Toxin and Radiation
Self-Healing: Brainiac is not affected by kill results and can function normally at -1CS when below 0 health although he must make an End FEAT to do so. If sufficient energy is available he can heal up to 30 damage per round but he cannot do anything else. This ability is negated if more than half his body is destroyed.
Immortality: Brainiac's memories can be downloaded into computers or new bodies so he is effectively immortal. This power will not work if no technology are available.
Computer Mind: Mn ability to access and collate available data. Correct analysis of information requires a reason FEAT.
Energy Blasts: Mn Energy, 5 areas


Talents: Resist Domination, Computers

Contacts: None


Once Brainiac was the sophisticated artificial intelligence system that guided and catalogued every phase of Krypton's existence. Then, when Jor-El revealed that Krypton was doomed, Brainiac lied about the scientist's findings, playing for time until he could safely beam himself away from the ill-fated planet. Over the years Brainiac has visited many worlds and has gradually taken on the form of a human-like android. One thing remains unchanged however: Brainiac's all-consuming lust for self-preservation and conquest.

Now Brainiac has come to Earth. Upon his arrival, Brainiac contacted Lex Luthor in the hopes of using his technology to suit his needs. While here on Earth, he's finally encountered the one foe strong enough and smart enough to fight him -- the son of his old enemy Jor-El, Superman.