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Captain Atom

Captain Atom

Natheniel Adam

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 220 Karma: 26
Resources: Gd Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Energy Body: Am, Captain Atom's body consists of energy that gives him the following power stunts:
-Atomic Burst: Am Energy, 10 areas
-Flight: Rm airspeed
-Energy Absorption: Up to 100 points of nuclear energy, his Atomic Bursts shift up to +3cs
-Invulnerable to Radiation, Toxins and Disease: CL1000

Containment Suit: Am material, should the Containment Suit break, Captain Atom's energy would be dispersed, creating an Un Energy Burst within 20 areas.

Should his Containment Suit break, Captain Atom would need someone to collect his energy or he would be lost.

Talents: Military, Pilot, Leadership

Contacts: Justice League