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F) Mn75
A) In40
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Mn75
I) In40
P) Mn75

Health: 315 Karma: 190
Resources: CL1000 Pop: -100

Known Powers:
Energy Blast: Mn Energy, 10 areas
Continuum Control: Sh-X
Dimension Travel: Rm
Regeneration: Rm
Warp: CL5000
True Invulnerability: Mn
The Omega Effect: Sh-X, Darkseid can scatter a person's atoms across the cosmos with Continuum Control. Later, he can reconstruct the victim. His powers can affect targets well beyond his line of sight (up to 1,024,000 miles) and even reach out into other dimensions.
Omega Beams: Mn, Range of Darkseid's sight. These are the finder beams for Darkseid's Omega Effect. They are mentally controlled by Darkseid to seek out their target.


Talents: Leadership, All Science skills.

Contacts: Darkseid's Elite, Apokolips


Quite possibly the most evil being to ever stride the cosmos. Seeking to bring Earth under his control, Darkseid has chosen to act behind the scenes, carefully and secretly acting through his Earthly agent Morgan Edge to stock Intergang with highly advanced weaponry. Once Metropolis has fallen to his agents, it's Darkseid's plan to come to Earth and use the city as his base while conquering the rest of the planet. It's our plan to keep Darkseid and his agenda secret for over half of the series, then gradually reveal he is the puppet master behind Intergang.