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Dr. Destiny

Doctor Destiny

John Dee

F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) In40

Health: 50 Karma: 100
Resources: N/A Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Dream Control: Un, Dr. Destiny can mentally control the surrounding area of the Dreamscape with a limited form of Reality Manipulation. (See the Reality Alteration Power, but within the scope of the Dreamscape).
Dream Manipulation: Un, This is a trivial form of Dream Control. Destiny can enter the Dream World, and manipulate the energies in a pocket dreamscape to his whim. This power functions like a temporary minute form of reality manipulation, while within the Dream World.
Dreamtravel: Un


John Dee must be asleep for Dr. Destiny's powers to manifest on the dreamscape.

Talents: Actor, Engineering, Dreams, Dream Manipulation, Hermetic Philosophy

Contacts: Arkham Asylum


Using a device called The Materioptikon, this skull-faced villain can bring nightmares to life.