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Shayera Hol

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Rm30
P) Rm30

Health: 120 Karma: 70
Resoruces: Un Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Winged Flight: Rm airspeed, when in flight she counts as having Am Agility, including for Gliding FEATs. She also can accomplish the following:
-Sprint: Hawkgirl can "sprint" to Un airspeeds, however must make a successful End. FEAT each round
-Gliding: By spreading her wings and riding thermals, Hawkgirl can travel at Gd airspeed and is considered "resting" enabling her to recover as if she were motionless
-Wing Shield: Hawkgirl is able to block up to 90 points of damage by using her wings as a shield. However, Hawkgirl cannot fly if they are used as shields.
Aerial Adaption: Mn eyesight and Rm Body Armor to falling

Mace: Un material, this weapon has the following abilities:
-Inflict Strength +1CS blunt or In Force
-Deflect up to Un magical attacks on a successful Intuition FEAT.
-Breach magical wards, protections or barriers of up to Un intensity.
-Am ability to dispel magical illusions.

Talents: Detective/Espionage, History (Thanagar), Blunt Weapons, Weapon Specialist: Mace

Contacts: Justice League, Green Lantern/John Stewart


Shayera Hol was an undercover detective on her native planet of Thanagar. Several years ago, while pursuing some criminals who were trafficking in forbidden technology, she was zapped by a dimensional transport beam. Her molecular structure was ripped apart and sent halfway across the galaxy. When she awoke, she found herself on an uncharted planet called Earth. Using her survival training, she adopted a human identity and learned to blend in with the native population.

Although Shayera hopes to return to Thanagar someday, she has developed a strong bond with the people of Earth. As Hawkgirl, she uses her Thanagarian powers to serve and protect her adopted home. Hawkgirl has the power of flight, lethal hand-to-hand combat skills and the ability to communicate with birds.

As a trained detective she has phenomenal powers of observation, deeply impressive to Batman. A great team player, the others consider Hawkgirl one of the guys, making it easy to forget that she comes from another world. Despite her pleasant and unassuming personality, she is a fierce combatant. She can strike with a sudden ferocity surprising to her closest teammates.