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F) Am50
A) Mn75
S) Sh-X150
E) Sh-Z200
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 375 Karma: 110
Resources: Rm Pop: 100

Known Powers:
Kryptonian Physiology: CL3000 Solar Absorption and Storage that provides Jax-Ur with the Agility, Strength, and Endurance Ranks listed under statistics. He also uses this energy to recover lost End. Ranks, though he does not have a Healing Factor. He may also direct this stored energy to enhance the following abilities:
-Heat Vision: Un Energy, 10 areas, Usually won't use higher than Mn unless necessary.
-Recovery: Jax-Ur's body continues absorbing solar radiation even after death. This energy may eventually return him to life making it virtually impossible to kill him.
Power Boost: Jax-Ur can direct his bodies energies into his Strength, Flight or Speed, raising them as high as +2CS. It is an instantaneous boost and will be used when the challenge calls for it. He would normally raise +1CS, then +2CS if the initial boost is ineffective. He can boost immediately to Sh-Y if he needs too. This power gives him freedom over Earth's gravity and permits him to subconsciously direct his energies as to manifest themselves as his other powers.
Invulnerability: CL1000 resistance vs. Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation.
Body Resistance: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
Flight: Un, CL1000 in atmosphere
Superhuman Senses: Jax-Ur's heightened senses as below:
-Enhanced Hearing: Un Hearing
-Microscopic Vision: Un
-Telescopic Vision: Un
-X-Ray Vision: Un
Hyper Breath: Am Cold, 1 area
Leadership: Rm ability to get people to follow his cause
Super-Speed: Sh-X ability to perform any action (combat or non-combat).
-May substitute for fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 5 combat actions per round.
-May substitute for agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-May substitute for intuition for initiative.
-May reach maximum flight speed in 1 round and has no problems making high-speed turns in flight or running, and can make sudden stops with no penalties.
-Create cyclones of Mn intensity. By drawing oxygen from cyclone, opponent must roll endurance vs. Mn intensity or be KO'd for 1-10 rounds.


Kryptonite: drops his powers down to Pr after 3 rounds, after that he loses 10 points of health a round.
Vulnerable to Magic: Against attacks of a Magical nature, Jax-Ur's defensive stats are reduced to Pr (ie. Endurance, Invulnerability, etc.). He cannot use his powers or abilities to affect constructs of a Magical nature (he couldn't smash down a magical wall, or break enchanted chains with his strength).
All his powers are based from solar energy of a yellow sun. If Jax-Ur is is put on a world with a different color sun, the level of his powers gradually drops -3cs every round until they are no more.

Talents: Martial Arts A, C, Leadership, Astro-Navigation, Military, Languages (all Human Languages and some Alien including Kryptonian), Kryptonian Lore and Technology, Computers, First-Aid, Repair/Tinkering

Contacts: Mala


Kryptonian Phantom Zone criminals, released onto Earth. Jax-Ur is a military genius and would-be tyrant, Mala is his lover and second in command. They were banished to the Phantom Zone by Superman's father Jor-El for trying to overthrow Krypton's ruling council. Skilled warriors before their exile, on Earth they possess enough power between them to annihilate Superman two times over.