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Jimmy Olsen

Jimmy Olsen

F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 32 Karma: 40
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:

Signal Watch: Rm material, sends an Mn signal to Superman, letting him know that Jimmy's in trouble

Talents: Photography, Electronics

Contacts: Daily Planet, Perry White, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Superman


A poor kid from Suicide Slums, Jimmy Olsen quickly learned the rules of the street in order to survive. He grew up fast on his feet, smart with his tongue and if need be, hard with his fists. He's the sharper cool, urban kid our young audiences will instantly root for. In addition, he's Superman's pal, which ain't too shabby, either. Working as a photographer for the Daily Planet has been Jimmy's dream, and even though he's just freelance now, he's after Perry White to hire him on full-time. Even so, that doesn't stop Jimmy from acting like he's already a core member of the staff. When Perry calls Clark and Lois into his office for a secret briefing, it's not uncommon for Jimmy to tag along, nodding his head intently with everything Perry says until Perry notices Jimmy's there and tosses him out. it's not that Jimmy's a troublemaker, he's simply one of those confident, unflappable kids who has no idea that he frequently oversteps his boundaries. Jimmy's a techno-geek and an expert with computers, modems, and of course, cameras. once, when he found himself stalked by gunmen after foolishly breaking into a terrorist base, Jimmy figured out how to rewire a phone modem to broadcast to save Jimmy from the gunmen and capture the terrorist leaders. Superman chewed Jimmy out for getting into trouble, but allowed him to modify his signal device into the wristwatch Jimmy currently wears. Superman will always come if Jimmy needs him, but has also warned Jimmy to use the signal only if it's an emergency.

When he's not hanging at the Planet, Jimmy lives with his mother Sarah in a modest Metropolis apartment. He doesn't spend much time there, preferring to be out following up some news lead like his heroes, Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Nothing stops Jimmy once he puts his mind to something. He's impetuous and sometimes foolhardy when it comes to getting that big photo scoop.