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Mr. Freeze

Mr. Freeze

Victor Fries

F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 56 Karma: 50
Resources: Ex Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Invulnerable to Cold: CL1000

Robot Body: Freeze's body has been destroyed over the years, yet his head remains. He relies on a robot body for mobility. Has the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Mn protection vs. Physical, Energy, Shooting and Edge
-Head Release: If Freeze's body is destroyed, his head has spider-like legs and it allows him to escape.
Freeze Gun: Un Ice Generation which can do the following power stunts:
-Ice Missiles: Un Edge, 5 areas
-Entrap others in ice of Un strength up to 2 areas away
-Create columns, walls, and other shapes of Mn material rank
-Create ice ramps that allow him to "skate" at Mn land speed. These ramps if properly supported can rise up 2 floors per round.
-Project waves of cold with Mn intensity and range and reduces the Opponent's FEATs by -5cs if the intensity is higher than endurance, -2CS otherwise. This cold can be used to offset heat damage.

Weakness: Fatal vulnerability to temperatures above freezing. Mr. Freeze must make a Red End. FEAT. vs. death.

Talents: Leadership, Cryogenics, Engineering, Repair/Tinkering, Thief, Land Vehicles, Guns

Contacts: Gotham Underworld


Mr. Freeze (Dr. Victor Fries) is back, colder and grimmer than ever. His appearance has undergone some drastic changes, due to a mysterious physical condition which destroyed his body. Resigned that he will never again be united with his beloved Nora, a new layer of ice has frozen over Freeze's heart. He's lost that which is most precious to him, and in retaliation he's going to stamp out warmth wherever it glows.

A newer, more powerful and chillingly sardonic Mr. Freeze will lose his obsession over his lost wife and instead concentrate on bringing misery to the people of Gotham and the man he believes is responsible for his icy condition - Batman. This time around, Freeze is not alone. He has aquired some chilly female "moles" as his henchmen.

Mr. Freeze without his Robotic Body