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F) In40
A) Mn75
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Am50

Health: 265 Karma: 70
Resources: Rm Pop: 100

Known Powers:
Argosian Physiology: CL3000 Solar Absorption and Storage that provides Kara with the Agility, Strength, and Endurance Ranks listed under statistics. She also uses this energy to recover lost Endurance Ranks, though she does not have a Healing Factor. She may also direct this stored energy to enhance the following abilities:
-Heat Vision: Am Energy, 10 areas
-Recovery: Kara's body continues absorbing solar radiation even after death. This energy may eventually return her to life making it virtually impossible to kill her.
Power Boost: Kara can direct her body's energies into her Strength, Flight or Speed, raising them as high as +2CS. It is an instantaneous boost and will be used when the challenge calls for it. She would normally raise +1CS, then +2CS if the initial boost is ineffective. She can boost immediately to Sh-Y if she needs too. This power gives her freedom over Earth's gravity and permits her to subconsciously direct her energies as to manifest themselves as her other powers.
Invulnerability: Un resistance vs. Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation.
Body Resistance: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
Flight: Mn airspeed
Superhuman Senses: Kara's heightened senses as below:
-Enhanced Hearing: Am Hearing
-Microscopic Vision: Am
-Telescopic Vision: Am
-X-Ray Vision: Am
Super-Speed: Sh-X ability to perform any action (combat or non-combat).
-May substitute for fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 5 combat actions per round.
-May substitute for agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-May substitute for intuition for initiative.
-May reach maximum flight speed in 1 round and has no problems making high-speed turns in flight or running, and can make sudden stops with no penalties.
-Create cyclones of Mn intensity. By drawing oxygen from cyclone, opponent must roll endurance vs. Mn intensity or be KO'd for 1-10 rounds.


Vulnerable to Magic: Against attacks of a Magical nature, Kara's defensive stats are reduced to Pr (ie. Endurance, Invulnerability, etc.). She cannot use his powers or abilities to affect constructs of a Magical nature (she couldn't smash down a magical wall, or break enchanted chains with his strength).
Yellow Sun Power Source: All her powers are based from solar energy of a yellow sun. If Kara is put on a world with a different color sun, the level of her powers gradually drops -3cs every round until they are no more.

Talents: Student

Contacts: Superman/Clark Kent, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Jimmy Olsen, Batgirl/Barbara Gordon


When Krypton exploded, its smaller neighbor planet, Argos, was thrown out of its rotation and sent flying into space. Fortunately, Argos's top scientist convinced the people of Argos that Krypton's destruction was at hand, and together they managed to construct a force field that maintained the gravity and atmosphere of their planet. For sixteen years, the residents of Argos survived. In time Argos' force field began to fail, and, sensing the end of their world, the scientist placed her family in cryo-tubes to preserve them until help could arrive. Kara, however, was the only one to survive. Clark was delighted to know there had been another survivor of the Krypton system.

Superman introduced Kara to his adoptive parents who took her in and are now helping her adjust to life on Earth. (In order to blend in, Kara has taken the last name Kent and Jonathan and Martha explain that she is a niece on Jonathan's side of the family.)

Inspired by her "cousin" Clark, Kara has made a costume similar to Superman's and occasionally joins on missions as Supergirl. Kara frequently visits Clark in Metropolis and, as Supergirl, she has full access to Superman's Fortress of Solitude.

Because Argosians and Kryptonians sprang from a common humanoid ancestor millions of years before, Supergirl's powers closely parallel Superman's.

As a result, Supergirl has powers that are similar to Superman's (flight, strength, heat vision, super-hearing), but is more resistant to Kryptonite. (Exposure to the radioactive element would kill Superman in about twenty minutes but Supergirl could hold out for several hours.) Also, because Supergirl is nearly half Superman's age (16), her powers are not quite as strong as his. She more than makes up for this in attitude, which is cocky, hip and very independent. With Supergirl, Superman has a living link to his alien heritage, and someone he can talk to about his dual lives as Superman and Clark Kent. She is a frequent friendly ally who can be trusted with Superman's secret.