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Vandal Savage

Vandal Savage

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) In40
E) In40
R) In40
I) In40
P) In40

Health: 150 Karma: 120
Resources: Am Pop: -40

Known Powers:
Resistance to Disease and Toxins: Mn
Regeneration: In
Recovery: Vandal Savage recovers from losses of Endurance ranks at a rate of one rank per day, and makes a power rank feat roll to regain the lost rank.
Immortality: Savage is nearly Immortal, not aging, and all but immune to disease. If subjected to traumatic injury, however, he can die.


Talents: Leadership, Melee Weapons, Martial Arts A, D, E, Detective/Espionage, Engineering, Military, Occult, History, Political Science, Psychology, Business/Finance, Sociology, All Human Languages

Contacts: Colonel Vox


Virtually immortal, Vandal Savage is a powerful and mysterious figure. He has secretly influenced history since the dawn of time. Adopting a new identity every hundred years, Savage has conquered countless civilizations. He was Ghengis Khan. He was Vlad the Impaler. He was Stalin. Knowing that every dictator will eventually fall, Vandal Savage periodically fakes his own death, then assumes a new identity, renewing his endless quest for power.