Alpha Centurion
Marcus Aelius
F) Rm30/Rm30
A) In40/Gd10
S) Mn75/Ex20
E) Mn75/Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Rm30
Health: 220/90 Karma: 70
Resources: Gd Pop: 20
Known Powers:
Virmiru Armor: Alpha Centurion’s armor provides him with the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Mn protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Flight: Mn airspeed
-Energy Sword: Energized from his right gauntlet, the sword is Mn material, causes up to Mn Edge
-Energy Shield: Blocks up to 150 points of damage, still subject to Stuns and Slams
Talents: Roman Culture, Swordsman, Leadership, Military
Contacts: Superman, Lois Lane, (Formerly) The Contessa