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F) In40
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Am50

Health: 130 Karma: 70
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Cosmic Surgery: To serve as an Alpha Lantern, an officer was required to abandon all aspects of their prior life, and commit themselves fully to the Corps. They were also required to undergo cosmic surgery, which enabled them to interface with their corresponding power batteries with greater efficiency. They have the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy attacks.
-Immunity to Poison, Disease and Gas: CL1000
-Invulnerability to Mental attacks: CL1000
-Self-Sustenance: The Alpha-Lanterns do not need to breathe, and as such are unharmed by the effects of outer space and being underwater.
-The Alpha-Lanterns at this stage do not generate or spend Karma.
-Green Lantern Power Battery: An Alpha-Lantern's Power Battery resides in their chest. They are capable of recharging or absorbing the energies from an Oan Power Ring.
-Link to the Book of Oa: An Un link was established connecting an Alpha's mind with the Book of Oa

Oan Power Ring: Due to the being linked to their Power Batteries, Alpha-Lanterns never have to recharge their rings

Talents: Weapon Specialist: (Oan Power Ring), Edged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Martial Arts B, E, Survival

Contacts: Green Lantern Corps

Kraken's Last Form