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Laurel Gand

F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 220 Karma: 40
Resources: Gd Pop: 20

Known Powers:
Solar Absorption and Storage: CL3000, provides Laurel with mass amounts of energy that support all her other powers and abilities. She may direct this stored energy to enhance the following abilities:
-Invulnerabilities: CL1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation. Her body's cells protect her internally as well so even her insides wouldn't be melted by drinking a vial of acid.
-True Invulnerability: Un protection from Physical and Energy
-True Flight: Un airspeeds in atmosphere, CL1000 in space.
-Heat Vision: Andromeda can emit her body's stores of solar radiation through her eyes causing Am Heat damage with a 10 area range.
-Hyper Speed: Andromeda is fast. She possesses hyperspeed at Rm rank.
-Self-Sustenance: Andromeda needs an Earth like atmosphere to breath in. Her Endurance enables her to last for extended period holding her breath, but in space she will eventually need a space suit. Her greater constitution provides little need for sleep, however eventually she will tire and require rest.
-Superhuman Senses: Andromeda possesses heightened senses as below:
--Enhanced Hearing: Rm
--Microscopic Vision: Am
--Telescopic Vision: Gd
--X-Ray Vision: Am, however is ineffective against lead

Flight Ring: Ty material, gives Andromeda the following abilities:
-True Flight: Ex airspeed.
-SOS: Able to broadcast an SOS with a 500 light year range.
-Group Flight: When travelling in a group, the Flight Rings act in concert so the group will all travel at the fastest character's speed.
Telepathic Ear Plug: Ty material, these permit Ty telepathic abilities.
Transuits: These suits permit Andromeda to utilise her own unique abilities without penalty. Additionally the suits provide CL1000 Life Support.

Unlike other Daxamites Laurel gained immunity when Brainiac 5 invented a serum that rendered her immune to the effects of lead.
Red Sun Radiation: The planet Daxam Orbited a red giant, this kind of sun produces a specific frequency of radiation that negates the energy from a yellow sun. Exposure to radiation from a red star causes complete negation of Daxamite powers. They return at a rate of 1cs per round following a round of exposure to yellow sun radiation.

Talents: Martial Arts B

Contacts: Legion of Super-Heroes