Orin/Arthur Curry
F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Mn75
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) In40
Health: 205 Karma: 70
Resources: Rm Pop: 30
Known Powers:
Atlantean Physiology: Aquaman's very body gives him the following abilities:
-Body Resistance: Ex resistance to Physical
-Resistance to Cold: Un
-Hyper Swimming: Rm
-Water Freedom: Orin doesn't suffer penalties in underwater battles and receives +1cs Fighting, Endurance and Strength.
-Water Breathing: Aquaman is amphibious and can breathe both air and water.
-Ultra Vision: Rm
Telepathy (Marine Life only): Un ability to talk to or control sea life; however, after his resurrection, Aquaman can ability to communicate directly with sea life and has done so throughout most of his life. Lately he possesses a greater range of control that can actually force sea creatures to obey his whims. Currently, he requests their assistance and they comply. He has chosen to continue to request since, if he forces them to comply, they will ultimately lose respect for him. He is also able to perform the following power stunts:
- Telepathy Communication: Am ability to communicate with non-marine animals, including humans
-Mind Probe: In, including non-marine animals
-Sonar Location: Am
-Access to the Clear: Un ability to sense the primal emotions of aquatic creatures through "The Clear". The Clear seems to function as a universal consciousness of all sea life. Via it he can communicate or command sea life on the other side of the planet. He can see what they see and much more what he is only beginning to realize. He can also push his telepathic powers to reach out to the higher land creatures to find that element of their brains that was once an aquatic dwelling creature. This may account for Aquaman's facility with language.
Trident: Am material, Am Edge or Blunt
Dehydration: Aquaman needs to immerse himself in water for at least an hour every 24 hrs to keep his powers and stats at peak levels. For every two (2) hours past that point, reduce all his physical stats and powers 1 rank. This affects his Health too. One (1) hour's immersion in water will immediately restore all lost ranks and health.
Talents: Ocean Life, Oceanography, Martial Arts B, Pilot, Leadership, Bi-Lingual (English, Atlantean), Resist Domination, Marine Biology, Underwater Combat
Contacts: Mera, Justice League of America