Orin/Arthur Curry
F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Mn75
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) In40
Health: 205 Karma: 70
Resources: Rm Pop: 30
Known Powers:
Water Elemental: After completing his task from the Entity, Aquaman became the Water Elemental. He can perform the following power stunts:
-Water Control: Un ability to control all water in his immediate vicinity
-Water Manipulation: Un ability to manipulate water how he feels
-Growth: Mn
-Invulnerability: Mn resistance to Physical and Energy
-Water Animation: Un ability to animate water
-Water Freedom: Aquaman doesn't suffer any penalties in underwater combat
-Water-Breathing: Aquaman is able to breathe both air and water
-Connection to the Clear: Un, Aquaman is connected to a section of the Morphogenetic field known as the Blue or the Clear
Trident: Am material, Am Edge or Blunt
Talents: Ocean Life, Oceanography, Martial Arts B, Pilot, Leadership, Bi-Lingual (English, Atlantean), Resist Domination, Marine Biology, Underwater Combat
Contacts: Mera, Justice League of America