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Jean Paul Valley

F) Am50
A) In40
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 170 Karma: 100
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:

Azrael Holy Armor: The armor is made of a bullet resistant metallic fiber similar to Kevlar with a Flameweave composite. In all, his armor provides the following:
-Bodysuit: Ex protection vs. Physical and Fire
-Upper Torso Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical, Energy and Fire attacks. A Bullseye, aimed shot, or Yellow FEAT must be made to avoid this thicker armor on a shot to the body. If it succeeds, it still has the bodysuit to get through. The arm casings can be used for Blocks.
Forearm Bracers: Azrael's bracers are armed with the following:
-Bundai Blades: Rm material, Ex Edge
-Fire Sheath: Rm Fire, when activated the blades inflict Rm Edge and Fire damage. By slashing with a flaming blade, he will leave a trail of fire in its wake which will last for 1 turn.
-Blade Projectile: Fire the blades with Rm range, but he must retrieve and reload them in order to use them after this has been done.
Flaming Sword: In material, Rm Edge. Also capable of generating an In Fire Shealth. When activated the sword inflicts Rm Edge and In Fire. By slashing with a flaming blade, he will leave a trail of fire in its wake which will last for 1 turn.

Jean Paul needs his glasses (or other corrective lenses) to see. Without them, anything beyond 3 areas is blurry and indestinct.

Talents: Computers, Chemistry, Sharp Weapons, Weapon Specialist: (Forearm Sword Blades), Acrobatics, Tumbling, Engineering, Repair/Tinkering, Military, All Martial Arts, St. Dumas Lore

Contacts: Batman, Oracle, Order of Saint Dumas, Nightwing, Robin, Ra's Al Ghul, The Question, Nomoz the Gnome