Michael Washington Lane
F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Rm30
Health: 120 Karma: 80
Resources: In Pop: 0/50
Known Powers:
Stealth: Am
Suit of Sorrows: The Suit of Sorrows was created in 1190, when Sir Geoffrey De Cantonna slaughtered several hundred souls in a remote Alpine valley. To protect the knight’s reputation, The Order of the Pure covered up by says it was the Moors that were responsible. It is said that the suit is able to impart strength and speed to those who wear it, but it will destroy anyone who is not pure. He was given the Suit of Sorrows by the Order, granting Azrael the following attributes when he wears the armor:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical, Gd protection vs. Energy
-The Suit of Sorrows gives Azrael +1cs to Strength
-Lightning Speed: Fe, Azrael believes he is a little faster while wearing the Suit of Sorrows
-Limitation: While in combat, Azrael must make a Red Psyche FEAT vs. going over the edge and losing control of his actions, possibly causing him to kill someone.
Sword of Sin: The Sword of Sin was used by the Order of Purity's Azrael since Geoffrey de Cantonna first donned the Suit of Sorrows after the Crusades. The Sword of Sin was retained by the Order of Purity. It has the following abilities:
-In material, Rm Edge.
-Fire Sheath: Also capable of generating an In Fire Shealth. When activated the sword inflicts Rm Edge and In Fire. By slashing with a flaming blade, he will leave a trail of fire in its wake which will last for 1 turn.
Sword of Salvation: The Sword of Salvation was used by the Order of Purity's Azraels since Geoffrey de Cantonna first donned the Suit of Sorrows after the Crusades. It has the following abilities:
-In material, Rm Edge.
-Energy Sheath: Also capable of generating an In Energy Shealth. When activated the sword inflicts Rm Edge and In Energy.
Talents: Acrobatics, Detective/Espionage, All Martial Arts, Military, Psychology, Spy, Thief, Wrestling, Tumbling, Occult Lore, Marksmanship, Forensics, Kit Bashing, Tracking, First-Aid, Law, Law Enforcement
Contacts: None