Control: Rm
Speed: Am
Body: In
Protection: In
On-Board Systems include:
-Auto-Pilot: The on-board computer can maintain Ty Control, although it cannot take-off or land the Bat-Sub.
-Communications: Mn Rank and Range for all Radio and other Communications devices. All incoming and outgoing signals can be scrambled with Mn Ability for security.
-Security: Bat-Sub can only be operated by Batman. This is Ex Rank Security. Otherwise the hatches and the canopy remain magnetically sealed with Rm Strength.
-Stealth: In Ability to become invisible to Radar.
-Sensors: Am Rank and Range (12 Areas) Radar and Thermal Imaging.
-Water Speed: Ex (5 Areas/Round - 75 MPH)
-Life Support: Artificial gill system provides oxygen for passengers and engine. 2 Hours of back-up air for cabin.
-Airlock: Allows 2 people to leave the ship per Round, with 1 Round needed to reset it before it can be used again.
Headlights: Rm illumination