A cosmic alien villain known as the Overmaster began to test humanity's fitness to inhabit Earth. He had summoned a bunch of villains to him and gave them superpowers, and the villains became the Cadre. The Cadre has fought the Justice League on different occasions and has been through many incarnations of their group. Several members have died and new ones were recruited. There was also another version of the Cadre called the Cadre of the Immortal; this version was made up of international metahumans deluded by an agent of the Overmaster that claimed to be Prestor John, the Immortal. The Mahayogi was killed while freeing JLI member Maya from mind control. After the truth was revealed Seneca and Osiris joined the JLI in their battle against the Overmaster, but have not been seen in the DCU since. Another version of the Cadre, led by Dr. Polaris, was later formed and fought The Power Company.
Black Mass
Shatterfist II
Former Members:
Shatterfist I
Dr. Polaris