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Queen Clea

Queen Clea

F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 180 Karma: 60
Resorces: Rm Pop: 35

Known Powers:
Atlantean Physiology: Clea is an Atlantean whose very body gives her the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical
-Water Freedom: Doesn't suffer penalties from any underwater battles
-Enhanced Senses: Ex Sight
-Hyper Swimming: Gd waterspeed
-Resistance to Cold: Ex
-Night Vision: Doesn't suffer any penalties against darkness
-Flight: Ex

Trident of Poseidon: CL3000 material, Am Edge. This powerful enchanted Trident can also perform the following:
-Water Control: CL1000
-Creation of water elementals of power rank Health and Abilites
-Using water to speed ships and water vehicles up to Un speeds
-Create Fog and Storms: Un intensity
-Tidal Waves: power rank size and intensity
-Transport: create waves of water as transportation, carring her up to Un speeds
-Earthquakes: Un intensity by increasing water pressure

Dehydration: Clea needs to immerse herself in water for at least an hour every 24 hrs to keep her powers and stats at peak levels. For every two (2) hours past that point, reduce all her physical stats and powers 1 rank. This affects her Health too. One (1) hour's immersion in water will immediatley restore all lost ranks and health.

Talents: Martial Arts A, B, E, Leadership, Bi-Lingual (English, Atlantean), Resist Domination, Edged Weapons

Contacts: Villainy Inc.