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The Dark Flash

The Dark Flash

Walter "Wally" West

F) Rm30
A) Un100
S) Gd10
E) In40
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Gd10

Health: 180 Karma: 40
Resources: Ty Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Speed Force Aura: Sh-X, protects The Flash and anyone he's carrying from the effects of using his speed. Has the following power stunts towards himself:
-Am Resistance to Injury
-Body Armor: Rm
Lightning Speed: Sh-Z land speed
-Sh-X strength for breaking a grappling attack
-May substitute for fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 5 combat actions per round.
-May substitute for agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-May substitue for intuition for initiative.
-Create cyclones: Gd damage or Sh-Y stunning or slamming
-Increase speed to CL5000 (endurance FEAT every 3 rounds or pass out
-Invisibility by moving extreamly fast, Red Intution FEAT to notice
-Can increase to Light speed to CL1000
-Sharing the Speed Force: This allows The Flash to give someone Sh-X landspeed for a limited time.
-Steal Speed: Sh-X
Molecule Control: Am Phasing, which allow the following power stunts:
-Water-Running: 1000ft. w/ 100 ft. approach
-Wall-Running: 700 ft. w/ 500 ft. approach
-Can destroy Un material by vibrating through it

Costume: In vs. Heat and Cold, Ex vs. Physical and Energy

Talents: Martial Arts A, C

Contacts: JLA, Titans