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Sebastian Faust

Sebastian Faust

F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) In40
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 46 Karma: 120
Resources: Gd Pop: 40

Known Powers:
Soul Magic: In, Faust is a Master of "Soul Magic." He can borrow energy from others' souls and use it for any number of spells.

Belt Pouches: He keeps four magical pouches on his belt, which can house things physical and mystical, small and large.

Negative Effect of Soul Magic: When Faust uses his magic, he receives a random negative effect of equal value to what he is trying to achieve.
Incapable of Love: Because he has no soul, Faust is supposedly incapable of love. However, he has been "drawn to" both Halo and June Moon.

Talents: Occult Background and Lore

Contacts: Sentinels of Magic, Outsiders