Golden Boy
Klint Stewirt
F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Ty6
Health: 70 Karma: 36
Resources: Gd Pop: -15
Known Powers:
Gold Body: Golden Boy's very body is gold, giving him In protection from Physical and Energy
Midas Touch: Golden Boy transforms people or objects to gold for 1 hour by touching them with a Fighting FEAT roll. Against people, this power works through clothes but touching someone in a battlesuit affects only the suit, not the wearer. Objects become In material. This power is "non-conductive"; if two people were holding hands and the Grey Gargoyle touched one of them, only the one he touched would be affected. With really big objects, a volume of 10 cubic yards can be transformed with a single touch.
Talents: Chemistry, Martial Arts E
Contacts: None