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Green Arrow

Green Arrow

Oliver Queen

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 100 Karma: 22
Resources: Ty Pop: 15

Known Powers:

Bow: Able to fire 3 arrows/round at 7 areas range.
Arrows: Green Arrow has access to the following types of arrows:
-Regular: Rm Edge
-Boxing Glove: Rm Blunt
-Drill: Cuts through Rm material
-Bola: Rm entangling attack
-Boomerang: (may be added to other arrows)
-Grappling Hook: 2 areas long, In material
-Electrical: Am damage, 5 areas
-Explosive: Am damage
-Flash: Gd light, Am damage
-Magnetic: In adherence, may cary cable or other arrowheads.
-Net: In entanglement
-Glue: Rm adherance to rough surfaces
-Crescent Blade: Rm Edge
-Black-Out Bomb: Turn 1 area into Darkness for 5 rounds
-Sonic: Ex noise, End. FEAT or stunned for 1-10 rounds.
-Smoke: 1 area
-Tear Gas: In, 1 area
-Acetylene Torch: Rm Heat
-Cryonic: Ex Freezing
-Acid: Ex Corrosive
-Handcuff: Gd Entanglement
-Extinguisher: Ex Fire Retardent
Sword: In material, Rm Edge

Talents: Marksmanship, Survival, Tracking, Bows, Weapon Specialist: (Bow), Ex reason for designing arrow heads, Swordsman, Martial Arts A, B

Contacts: Black Canary, Green Arrow II, Arsenal, Speedy, Justice League, Justice Society, Oracle

Green Arrow's First Costume

Green Arrow's Second Costume

Green Arrow's Justice League Elite Uniform

Green Arrow's Third Uniform

Green Arrow's Last Uniform