Markx Grimbor
F) In40
A) Am50
S) Am50
E) In40
R) Am50
I) Rm30
P) Rm30
Health: 180 Karma: 110
Resources: Gd Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
Chains: Mn material, Am Entrapment, These are his masterpieces and sold to Governments and such to keep the mightiest of threats in chains or to keep his foes as bay
Anti-Legionnaires Chains (x8): Am material, In Entrapment, These chains, which he carries if he's expecting to meet Legionnaires, are capable of countering any single hero's Powers or use their vulnerabilities against them with Am ability (ex., Kryptonite or Inertron chains against Superboy, Transdimensional Chains against Phantom Girl, Heat-Resistant Chains against Sun Boy and so on)
Quick Entrapment Chains (x4): Am material, Rm Entrapment
Protective Gauntlet: Rm material, creates a Rm Force Shield
Restraint Gun: Fires up to 7 areas, the ordnances available to the launcher are the following:
-Bio Energy Siphoning Bond (x8): Rm material, Rm Energy that can also temporarily neutralize the powers of the victim with Un ability if caught. Once a victim is Snared, the Energy Blast can keep on attacking the target each phase to keep him/her unconscious.
-Missile Attack (x6): In damage to an entire area
-Oppressive Bubbles (x10): In material, neutralizes the abilities of an opponent and keeps them levitate with Ex ability
Talents: Weapons Design, Weapon Engineering, Robotics, Repair/Tinkering, Martial Arts A, B, C, E, Lockpick, Escape Artist, Crime, Melee Weapons
Contacts: Legion of Super-Villains