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Ion II

Ion II

Sodam Yat

F) Rm30
A) Am50
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 230 Karma: 70
Resources: Ex Pop: 40

Known Powers:
Daxamite Physiology: Sodam Yat is a Daxamite from the planet Daxam, which Sodam Yat with mass amounts of Yellow Solar Energy with CL3000 that support all his other powers and abilities. He may direct this stored energy to enhance the following abilities:
-True Invulnerability: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Invulnerabilities: CL1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation. His body's cells protect him internally as well so even his insides wouldn't be melted by drinking a vial of acid.
-True Flight: Un airspeeds in atmosphere, CL1000 speed in space.
-Heat Emmision-Eyes: Am Heat with a 10 area range.
-Hyper Speed: Rm
-Self-Sustenance: Sodam Yat needs an Earth like atmosphere to breath in. His Endurance enables him to last for extended period holding his breath, but in space he will eventually need a space suit. His greater constitution provides little need for sleep, however eventually he will tire and require rest.
-Superhuman Senses: Sodam Yat's heightened senses are as below:
--Enhanced Hearing: Rm
--Microscopic Vision: Am
--Telescopic Vision: Gd
--Penetration Vision: In
Ion Power: Sh-X abilities, Sodam is able to channel the green energy of both the Starheart and the Central Battery. This new energy is called the "Ion Power". Ion has exhibited the following abilities:
-Time Manipulation: Sh-Z
-Reality Alteration: Sh-Z
-Comprehend Language: Sh-Z
-Life Support: Sh-Z
-Invulnerability: Sh-Z, This lessens any damage against them to a lesser degree of damage
-Regeneration: Ex
-Recovery: Ex
-Electromagnetic Force Manipulation: Ion has extensive energy manipulation powers able to effect the entire spectrum including Gravity, Radiation, Heat, Light at Un ability. It can only create 1 effect per round, but can maintain up to 3 existing effects by making a successful Psyche FEAT roll. Powers stunts include:
--Energy Blasts: Un Energy, 7 areas
--Force Field: Un rank
--The creation of objects of solid energy, GM decides which creations are within the power of the ring and assigns a power intensity FEAT: Simple weapons, entrapments devices, common geometric shapes, gigantic hands and simple containers are all powers stunts and are usually Am rank. A Red Psyche FEAT is required for extreme measures (i.e. Containing an exploding Sun within an Energy Barrier).
-Flight: Un airspeed in Earth's atmosphere, CL1000 in space
-Bend Waves: Un ability to bend sound waves, light wave, etc.
-Healing: Sh-X ability to heal self or others (Such as cure paralysis or diseases.)
-Stat Increase: Ion may increase any stat (unless it is already enhanced (i.e. Endurance)) by the dodging column with a successful Psyche check. Green: +2cs, Yellow: +4cs, Red: +6cs

Oan Power Ring: During his fight with Superboy-Prime, Ion was exposed to Lead. He must now wear his Oan Power Ring at all times or else the Lead Poisoning will continue to course through his body.

Vulnerable to Lead: Sodam Yat is powered by a particular wavelength of energy, which happens to be rather abundant in our sun. Lead prevents the absorption of this energy. This process of disruption is painful and sets off a chain reaction within a Daxamites cells that can lead to death. Exposure to Lead causes him to lose all her powers at -1cs per round. He also loses 1 rank of Strength and Endurance (with its loss of Health) per round until death occurs at Shift-0 Endurance.
Red Sun Radiation: The planet Daxam orbited a red giant, this kind of sun produces a specific frequency of radiation that negates the energy from a yellow sun. Exposure to radiation from a red star causes complete negation of Daxamite powers. They return at a rate of 1cs per round following a round of exposure to yellow sun radiation.

Talents: Weapons Specialist: (Oan Power Ring), Aerial Combat, Astro-Navigation

Contacts: Green Lantern Corps

Sodam Yat as a Green Lantern