Liberty Belle
Jesse Chambers
F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20
Health: 150 Karma: 40
Resources: Ex Pop: 10
Known Powers:
Hyper-Speed: Although she has only used it once as Liberty Belle, Jesse uses her father's formula to accelerate to CL3000 speed and can fly for a limited time. When the formula is activated she can perform the following:
-Deliver 50 "Ty" Blows in a round
-Jesse can move so fast she is able to perform Extra Attacks with Sh-X ability.
-Multiple attacks that inflict up to Amazing damage to a target
-Spectrum Shifting: Jesse can run so quickly as to cause light to begin to slow, and experience Red Shift. Which will allow them to view the lower spectrum of light that is normally invisible to the unaided human eye.
-To hit Jesse in top gear a Red FEAT to is required for anything other than an area effect or Psychic attack. If she is making multiple attacks against the same target the FEAT is reduced to Yellow.
-Considered Un rank for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading.
-Considered Un rank for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-Considered Un rank for Intuition for initiative.
-Jesse is considered to have Mn Endurance for movement and tiring purposes.
-True Flight: Jesse inherited her flight abilities from her mother and can attain In airspeed. This can be increased by using the "Quick Formula".
Jesse is Near-sighted
Talents: Trivia (Super Heroes), Detective/Espionage, Business/Finance
Contacts: Justice Society of America, Hourman, The Flash