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Manhunter IV

Manhunter IV

Kate Spencer

F) Rm30/Ty6
A) Rm30/Ty6
S) In40/Ty6
E) Am50/Gd10
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 150/40 Karma: 40
Resources: Gd Pop: 5

Known Powers:

Darkstar Uniform: A partially-functional Darkstar exo-mantle came into the possession of federal prosecutor Kate Spencer, who used its physical enhancements to become Manhunter. She has the following power stunts:
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above.
Gauntlets: Rm material, the gauntlets provide Manhunter with the following abilities:
-Claws: Rm Edge, can also use to wall-crawl
Power Baton: Rm material, Rm Blunt attack, the Power Baton has the following power stunts:
-Energy Blast: In Energy, 5 areas
-Leaping: Rm, by pointing the Power Baton towards the ground, Manhunter can "leap"
-Magnetic Control: Rm

Talents: Law, Law Enforcement, Martial Arts A, B, Weapons Specialist: (Power Baton)

Contacts: Birds of Prey, FBI