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F) Gd10
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) In40
R) Sh-X150
I) Am50
P) Un100

Health: 100 Karma: 300
Resources: Am Pop: 0

Known Powers:

Mobius Chair: Sh-Z material, Powered by the "X Element," the chair enables him to traverse time and space in his endless pursuit of knowledge. The Mobius Chair has the following abilities:
-Un Reason
-Dimension Travel: Mn
-Flight: CL5000
-Force Field: Sh-X
-Total Memory: CL1000
-Sealed Systems: Sh-Z
-Telekinesis: Un
-Duplication: Mn
-Forever Barrier: His ultimate aim is to penetrate the Forever Barrier, which lies at the edge of the Promethean Galaxy, forever uniting himself with the Source. Accomplishing this requires a Dimension Travel FEAT vs. CL5000 intensity. Success means his mental stats increase to CL5000, he gains 200 karma and becomes an NPC. Lying in the Forever Barrier are a series of cosmic phenomena known as "alephs." Entering an aleph requires a successful Dimension Travel FEAT vs. CL1000 intensity and the traveller receives 25 karma and a vision of the future (Precognition of Sh-Z intensity).

Talents: Engineering, Astronomy, All Scientific Skills

Contacts: New Gods, Darkseid

Metron's Last Costume