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Nathaniel Adam

F) Am50/Ex20
A) Un100/Ex20
S) Sh-X150/Gd10
E) Sh-X150/Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 450/70 Karma: 70
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Quantum Field: After absorbing Major Force and every version of Captain Atom in the multiverse, Monarch's powers are perhaps the one of strongest beings to ever be seen. He has the following powers:
-Body Armor: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Atomic Burst: Up to Sh-X Energy, 10 areas
-Flight: Un airspeed
-Energy Absorption: Up to 1000 points of nuclear energy, his Atomic Bursts shifts up to +3CS
-Invulnerable to Radiation, Toxins and Disease: CL1000
-Teleportation: CL1000, Monarch is able to transport himself and others throughout the Multiverse
-Matter Generation: Mn ability to create matter in the same manner he creates energy.
-Transmutation: Mn ability to transmutate the atomic structure of things.
-Time Travel: Un ability to briefly travel ahead in time.

Containment Armor: After his body was crack he began leaking radiation, nearly reaching critical mass. This Containment Armor contains up to Un radiation and has the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Mn protection vs. Physical and Energy

Talents: Military, Pilot, Leadership

Contacts: Monarch's Elite, JL-Axis of Earth-10, Crime Society of Earth-3, The Extremists of Earth-8