F) Ex20
A) Am50
S) Am50
E) Sh-Y200
R) In40
I) Am50
P) Sh-X150
Health: 320 Karma: 240
Resources: N/A Pop: -20
Known Powers:
Sorcery: Sh-Y, Mordru is a master in magic and has performed the following spells:
-Astral Supremacy: Mordru receives a +1cs on magic FEAT rolls while on the astral plane.
-Unlimited Shape-Shifting: Am
-Individual Shield: In
-Flight: In
-Other Personal Spells: Ex
-Eldritch Beams/Bolts: In
-Illusion: Mn
-Mental Control: Am
-Other Universal Nature Spells: Am
-Other Universal Spells: Rm
Magical Senses: Un
Entombed: All of Mordru's Powers and Attributes are reduced to 0 when entombed
Talents: Occult Background, Occult Lore
Contacts: None