Wi Kan Muur
F) Ty6
A) Pr4
S) Gd10
E) Gd10
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Ex20
Health: 30 Karma: 80
Resources: Ex Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Power Neutralization: Neutrax possesses the ability to fire a beam of green energy from his eyes which can neutralize the superpowers of his targets with Un ability.
Energy Blast: Am ability to injure or kill living beings with his neutralizing beam, interfering with the workings of the body by 'neutralizing' brainwaves, heartbeat, etc. It has a range of 7 areas. The victim may make a Red Endurance FEAT to overcome the effects.
Anti-Gravity Chair: Neutrax maneuvers using a special anti-grav chair created for him by the Dark Man. It has the following statistics:
-Control: In
-Speed: Ex airspeed
-Body: Am
-Protection: N/A
Paralysis: Neutrax is crippled and unable to walk. He needs to use his Anti-Gravity Chair to maneuver.
Talents: Engineering, Electronics, Repair/Tinkering
Contacts: Legion of Super-Villains