Chosen by the Guardians of the Universe as the Green Lantern of Space Sector 1417, Sinestro was a dedicated and capable member of the Green Lantern Corps. With time he began to see the potential of his power and became absolute ruler of his home planet Korugar. Intervening, the Guardians stripped him of his Power Ring and banished him to the planet Qward in the Anti-Matter Universe to learn personally the fate of those in a world where true evil dominates. Sinestro instead learned how to use evil to his benefit and allied himself with the Weaponers of Qward, a race who lived only to create weapons of conquest. Using Qward as a stronghold, Sinestro retaliated against his former masters and his former allies in the Green Lantern Corps.
Current Version:
Sinestro (Sinestro Corps)
Former Version:
Sinestro (Green Lantern)
Sinestro (White Lantern)