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F) Gd10
A) Rm30
S) Rm30
E) Rm30
R) Mn75
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 100 Karma: 145
Resources: In Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Cyborg Body: The left half of Tharok's body is entirely mechanical. Without these cybernetics, Tharok loses all of his powers and his Reason drops to Ex. Tharok has the following power stunts:
-Force Field: Ex protection vs. Physical, Rm protection vs. Energy
-Hyper-Hearing: Ex
-Microscopic Vision: Am
-Telescopic Vision: Am
-Thermal Vision: Am
-True Sight: Am
-Ultraviolet Vision: Am
-Weapons Tinkering: Rm
-Hyper-Invention: Rm
-Hyper-Intelligence: Rm
-Finger Laser: Rm Energy, 10 areas


Talents: Engineering, Medicine, Repair/Tinkering, All Science Skills

Contacts: Fatal Five

Another verison of Tharok