F) Rm30
A) Am50
S) Un100
E) Mn75
R) Am50
I) Am50
P) Am50
Health: 255 Karma: 150
Resources: Gd Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Psionic Abilities: Vartox has an incredible array of hyper-powers of psychic origin and he's displayed new ones every time he has appeared. He has displayed the following power stunts:
-Image Animation: Am
-Broadcast Empath: Un
-Language Comprehension: Mn
-Dispersal: Am
-Earth Animation: Am
-Energy Blast: Mn Energy
-Flight: Sh-Y airspeed, Un in atmosphere
-Force Manipulation: Un
-Heat Vision: Am Energy or Heat, 10 areas
-Hypnotism: Un
-Illusion: Mn
-Life Sense: Mn
-Microscopic Vision: Mn
-Mind Blast: Un
-Object Awareness: Mn
-Personality Transfer: In
-Postcognition: Mn
-Precognition: Mn
-Total Recall: In
-Sealed Systems: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, can survive in the vacuum of space
-Sonar: Am
-Skin Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Super Breath: Am Force
-Enhanced Hearing: In
-Super Ventriloquism: Am
-Immune to Disease and Toxins: Un
-Telekinesis: Un
-Telescopic Vision: In
-Teleportation: Rm
Talents: Resist Domination, Performer: (Actor), Detective/Espionage, Astro-Navigation
Contacts: None