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White Lantern Power Ring

White Lantern Power Ring: Un material, The Power Ring has the following power stunts:
-Resurrection: Un, Upon latching onto a corpse, the White Lantern Power Ring will resurrect the body. Should a Black Lantern come in contact with a White Lantern Power Ring, the ring will overtaken that Black Lantern Power Ring and resurrect the Black Lantern.
-Electromagnetic Force Manipulation: The White Lantern Power Ring appears to have extensive energy manipulation powers able to effect the entire spectrum including gravity, radiation, heat, light at Un ability. A White Lantern can create and maintain 4 effect's per round. By making a successful Psyche FEAT roll, a White Lantern may create and maintain a fifth effect. On the creation of solid objects, the GM decides which creations are within the power of the ring and assigns a power intensity FEAT: Simple weapons, entrapment devices, common geometric shapes, gigantic hands and simple containers are all powers stunts and are usually Mn rank. Powers stunts include:
--Energy Blasts: Un Energy
--Kinetic Blast: Un Force
--Force Field: Un
--Create Objects of Solid Energy: Un
-True Flight: In airspeed in Earth's atmosphere, CL3000 in space
-Universal Translator: The ring allows the wearer to communicate with anyone, no matter what language is spoken at Mn rank. The ring allowed for translation as long as the medium for communication was able to be duplicated by the ring, and that a White Lantern was aware that communication was being attempted.

White Lantern Power Battery