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The Wonder Twins


F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) In40

Health: 80 Karma: 70
Resources: Ty Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Exxorian Shape-Shifter: Zan is a shape-shifter from the planet Exxor. Zan's powers are activated when he makes physical contact with Jayna, which allows him to perform the following power stunts:
-Water Transformation: Am ability to transform into any form of water, including liquid, mist, steam, or, perhaps most usefully, any kind of functioning ice structure. Also, at one time, he changed into a gelatinous form.
--Molecular Conversion: By combining with already-existing water, Zan could also increase his mass or volume in the water form chosen with Am ability.
--Weather Manipulation: Am ability to transform himself into weather patterns involving water, such as a blizzard, a monsoon, or a typhoon.


Talents: None

Contacts: Justice League


F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) In40

Health: 70 Karma: 70
Resources: Ty Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Exxorian Shape-Shifter: Jayna is a shape-shifter from the planet Exxor. Jayna's powers are activated when she makes physical contact with Zan, which allows her to perform the following power stunts:
-Animal Transformation: Am ability to transform into any animal, whether real, mythological, indigenous to Earth or to some other planet, gaining the abilities of whatever animal form he has chosen. She does need to know the name of the animal in order to assume its form, as she would turn into whatever animal she named.

Talents: None

Contacts: Justice League