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F) Fe2
A) Pr4
S) Ty6
E) In40
R) Am50
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 52 Karma: 140
Resources: Ex Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Gil'Dishpan Physiology: Zymyr is a Gil'Dishpan, an aquatic alien who breathes a methane atmosphere. His very body gives him the following abilities:
-Telepathy: Am ability to communicate mentally, useful in a liquid atmosphere
-Mind Probe: Rm ability to learn their secrets by reading his opponent's mind.
-Warp Generation: Sh-Z ability to create Warps which can easily span interstellar distances. With the proper equipment and assistance, he was able to teleport an entire planet across dimensions.

Protective Bubble: Zymyr travels in this bubble, which is filled with the watery methane fluids he needs to breathe. His protective bubble gives him the following:
-Control: Gd
-Speed: Ex airspeed
-Body: Mn
-Protection: N/A
-Self-Sustenance: It allows him to survive in any environment, including outer space.

Methane Environment: Zymyr needs to be in a methane atmosphere. Without his protective bubble, Zymyr will begin to drown.

Talents: Scholar: (Warp Technology, Dimensional Travel, Exo-Biology), Engineering, Electronics, Robotics

Contacts: Legion of Super-Villains